KY Kissable Sensations for the Body - Roadtrip / Mr & Mrs Driscoll

Mrs Driscoll is all about the scenic route while Mr Driscoll is all about dense. No worries, once K Y enters the picture, the choo-choo train will get them to their destination.

Project Name: KY Kissable Sensations for the Body
Agency: Mother
Client: K-Y/Johnson & Johnson
Executive Creative Director(s): Linus Karlsson & Paul Malmström
Creative Director (s): Bill Moulton, Bobby Hershfield
Art Director (s): Christine Gignac, Mat Driscoll
Copywriter (s): Bobby Hershfield, Greg Hunger
Producer (creative): Emma Starzacher , Sara Wallace
Production Co.: Epoch Films
Director: Phil Morrison
Dir of Photography: Mott Hupfel
Line Producer: Timory King
Editing Company: Mackenzie Cutler
Editor: Gavin Cutler
Producer: Mona Salma
Post-Production Co: Mackenzie Cutler
Telecine: Fergus McCall
Sound: Mackenzie Cutler/Sound Lounge
Audio: Macenzie Cutler/Sound Lounge

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