KY Kissable Sensations for the Body - Oblivious / Mr & Mrs Hunter

In Mr and Mrs Hunters case, she's not speaking to him unless she needs to correct him that he's not "obnoxious" but "oblivious". Luckily for Mr Hunter, he's come prepared for make-up sex and out come the opera singers.

Project Name: KY Kissable Sensations for the Body
Agency: Mother
Client: K-Y/Johnson & Johnson
Executive Creative Director(s): Linus Karlsson & Paul Malmström
Creative Director (s): Bill Moulton, Bobby Hershfield
Art Director (s): Christine Gignac, Mat Driscoll
Copywriter (s): Bobby Hershfield, Greg Hunger
Producer (creative): Emma Starzacher , Sara Wallace
Production Co.: Epoch Films
Director: Phil Morrison
Dir of Photography: Mott Hupfel
Line Producer: Timory King
Editing Company: Mackenzie Cutler
Editor: Gavin Cutler
Producer: Mona Salma
Post-Production Co: Mackenzie Cutler
Telecine: Fergus McCall
Sound: Mackenzie Cutler/Sound Lounge
Audio: Macenzie Cutler/Sound Lounge

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