Kohl’s - Sway with me - (2008) :30 (USA)

Client: Kohl’s
Spot Title: Sway
Air Date: December 2007

Agency: McCann Worldgroup
Creatives: Carmine Licata, Lori Sheppard
Group CD: Matthew Lester
EP: Debbie Dunlap
Producer: Rainbow Corcoran

Prod Company: Zoo Film Productions
Director: Luca Maroni
EP: Gower Frost

Editorial: Version2
Editor: Sloane Klevin
Head of Production: Frank Devlin

Post/Effects: Version2
CD: Kieran Walsh
Online Editor: Tim Farrell
VFX/Titles: Craig Davis, Mike McKenna

Telecine: Nice Shoes
Colorist: Lez Rudge

Mix: Color
Audio Mixer: Kevin Halpin

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