Kim Dotcom propaganda song vs the Premissionless Innovation Remix - Lessig Edition

Kim Dotcom has released a video and an annoying tune stating that "The war for the Internet has begun." and "Hollywood is in control of politics". If you can't figure out which parts are supposed to be ironic it's because he's serious all the way. He honestly believes that the Megaupload empire is a movement, and sings: Keep this movement going. Keep this movement tweeting. Keep this movement moving. (so that he can buy more cars?) He wants you to join in: "It starts with you and me we will make history." How grassroots of him, and the footage is of 99% / Occupy protesters wearing Guy Fawkes masks as the wall street protesters were all against... Hollywood? The Martin Luther King images do not make Kim look good.

Of course this can't go unchallenged, the "Premissionless Innovation Remix - Lessig Edition" has already made a very sarcastic response, using the same footage and tune, of course. Footage that I'm sure nobody cleared for rights of use, but no worries youtube is used to this sort of thing and their servers won't be confiscated anytime soon. It begins "The war for my stolen fortune has begun..."

Kim Dotcom - Mr President (Premissionless Innovation Remix - Lessig Edition) MrKimDotcom

With lyrics like: "I made half a billion, I am Kim Dotcom, by stealing money and costing jobs, I sail on a yacht I am Kim Dotcom, I ask the poor to sing my song. Can you believe I think I'm like Dr King... Keep my ego growing... my pursuit of money.. money... money. It starts with you and me... and all my money. "

So, dear adgrunts, which video makes a better case?

** "Premissionless" may be a typo of "Permissionless" in that youtube post but now it will LIVE FOREVER!
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The Video by Kim Dotcom has (as of today) 23000 positive votes vs. 1000 negative ones.