Kesselskramer gets in on the "Man"-themed ads for Bavaria

Kesselskramer's new ad campaign for Bavaria Beer is what you might expect if Guinness' noitulovE and CPK's Manthem spot had a baby: "Ode to Testosterone"

It's more of the "man" campaign themes we've seen, especially from the boys at Crispin. Read on to check out some of the print for the campaign.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Interesting that they took this tactic. See the Bavaria campaign was punning on the beer beng a reward for doing something - anything - for ages. The line went something like "Zo, nu eerst een Bavaria!" (And now it's time for a Bavaria).

One example is when a german TV Detective show finally went off the air after 25 odd years, the lead actor lies on the beach with a Bavaria in his hand winking at the camera. Yes now (finally) it's time for a Bavaria.

Other examples had people doing nothig really, but making it look as if they had done quite a lot, and thus deserved the reward of a Bavaria. For example, a man with a box of powdered sugar posed just so, holding his box over the snowy top of Mt Fuji as if he had added it. Now he deserves a Bavaria.

Dabitch's picture

I see the "reward" thingie going on in the cartoony posters, just not in the film.

caffeinegoddess's picture

My guess is maybe then that the reward idea is because they've been less "manly" or whatever they deserve the reward? I think that is why it made me think of that BK Manthem ad, which follows a similar sort of thinking.