Kayem - Celebrate Something - (2009) :30 (USA)

Two :30 spots created by The VIA Group, Portland, ME for client Kayem Foods, Incorporated.

Kayem Foods, Inc. is the largest meat processor in New England, making over 400 products across seven brand names. The privately-held and operated company has been owned and operated by the same family since 1909.

Music by State Radio. "Right Me Up" is featured in Celebrate Day and "Sybil" is featured in Celebrate Night.


Campaign: Celebrate Something

AGENCY: The VIA Group, Portland, Maine

Chief Creative Officer: Greg Smith

Creative Director: Ron Clayton

Associate Design Director/Art Director: Steve LaChance

Copywriter: Amos Goss

Executive Producer: Mary Hanifin

Director: Rudi Schwab

Editor: Kevin Moore, Accomplice Boston

Production: Element Productions

Music: State Radio

Air Date: Summer ‘09

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