KAFA Lebanon - "A very disturbing taxi ride" / Abusive GPS - (2014)

KAFA Lebanon want to address the issues that domestic violence in Lebanon, is often not reported by witnesses to it. Other women. To put ladies on the spot, they used a very specific media targeted at women only - the GPS of a all female cab company Banet Taxi. that caters to drive only women. The brainchild of OgilvyOne, Dubai makes for a very disturbing cab ride. The GPS male voice starts out as it normally would, with simple directions on where to turn. However the GPS grows increasingly abusive, calling the driver a bitch, and verbally harassing her constantly. The passengers react in different ways, some talk back, some tell the woman driver she shouldn't take that sort of abuse and one woman seems so triggered by the verbal abuse she wants the cab to stop at once. As the ladies all ask the drivers to stop, their phones announces a text message received - it's from KAFA Lebanon and states "If you witness abuse, don't just sit back and ignore it, share this hotline number".

The KAFA helpline number for women victims of violence in Lebanon is 03 018 019.

على طريق التغيير... مشوار تاكسي بسمّ البدن:

لنشجّع المزيد من النساء على الوقوف في وجه العنف، قمنا باختبار عفوي مع مشتركات في خدمة "بنات تاكسي".

الفكرة بسيطة:
كلما منتضامن مع بعض أكتر، كلما منشجّع بعض نحكي؛
وكلما بتحكي امرأة وبتوقف في وجه العنف، كلما بتتقدّم نساء العالم خطوة إلى الأمام ضد العنف والاستغلال، وبتقوى المطالبة بحماية قانونية فعلية لجميع النساء.
شاركوا هالفيديو للمساهمة بالعمل على تغيير القانون للأفضل، وادعموا حملة


Ad agency: OgilvyOne - Dubai
Client: Kafa Lebanon

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