Jenny Cadwell Named Executive Producer of VOLT Studios

After a robust and rewarding first year with VOLT Studios, Jenny Cadwell has been named Executive Producer of the full-service content company. From the complex details of production to delivering projects that shine, Cadwell is driven to make magic happen and loves being surrounded by creative people. 

“Jenny is a force of nature and has a positive, substantial impact on everyone” explains VOLT Studios Founder Steve Medin. “Our appreciation for Jenny goes back long before she joined the company, and our work together this year only intensified our admiration for what she brings to clients and adds to the culture and community of our studio.”

Jenny Cadwell is a Minneapolis native and former agency producer who has enjoyed successful tenures at Carmichael Lynch, Fallon and Martin Williams. She returned to her home city to join VOLT as a senior producer a year ago, bringing her agency-side experience to a team with whom she’s long been connected. 

“I have known Steve and everyone at VOLT for a long time, so coming back to Minneapolis to join them felt like a homecoming,” relays Cadwell. “What I have come to appreciate firsthand is that they truly are the best of the best. Throughout this year we have supported each other to accomplish a lot while, in VOLT style, having a great time along the way.”

Since she joined the team, Cadwell has worked closely with VOLT Producer Jennie Ekstrand to build upon the company’s reputation and success as a trusted resource for clients, among them Subaru, Arby’s, Target and Walmart. A full-service content company, VOLT’s holistic approach to creative – including production, color, editing, post production, motion graphics and visual effects - translates into a seamless experience and creative continuity for brands and agencies. 

“Everyone at VOLT works to deliver above and beyond,” concludes Cadwell, “but they also appreciate what it means to cultivate an environment that supports people and projects with equal respect. It is one of the many reasons I am so happy to take this next step with VOLT and our clients.”

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