Jennifer Aniston Sex tape - possible the worst "viral" ever made.

Celebrity spokesperson with fans who love to see her "be herself"? Check! Keenan Cahill lip syncing? Check! Three internet-boys with skinny ties? Yep! Double Rainbow guy? Yes! Dancing babies? Oh yeah. Puppies? Got that. Jennifer Aniston drinking water while a saxophone plays and wind machines blow her hair? Yes, sadly. Funny? Gee, they seem to have forgotten that.

Somehow this stupid viral sells smartwater.

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kurtberengeiger's picture

Reminds me of the old FedEx "10 Things" spot.

Dabitch's picture

Now that you mention it, we've been down this path before.... In the superbowl alone, twice.

Fedex ten things - which is the most similar with the old celeb + X + making fun of advertising concept, and they remembered to add the funny.
FedEx - Ten Things - (2005) 0:45 (USA)

But also the constant meme-piling in ads, I've seen as the idea as well. Like these.

Comhem - Web Hits / Viral homage / Youtube Hits by Judit & Judit - (2009) :45 (Sweden)

Vizio - Beyonce / HDTV - (2010)

Weezer - 'Pork And Beans' video - (2008) 3:18 (USA)

More suggestions?