Ikea exporting more than flatpack furniture: upsets catholic Italy with gay ad

Once again Ikea is courting controversy the way they prefer to: by depicting same sex couples as "family", just like any other couple. This ad depicted above, with the headline "siamo aperti a tutte le famiglie" (we are open to all families), has ruffled feathers in catholic conservative Italy as it announces a new store out in the countryside. Berlusconi-owned Il Giornale accuses Ikea of spreading "Swedish imperialism" with the ad, while gay-friendly mosinforma snarks that the paper is "ready to defend the freedom of Silvio and deny it to everyone else." Zing! Lets not forget who has a worse "family" trackrecord here, Berlusconi was after all kicked out of the house by his wife after many many affairs with constantly younger women.

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