IHaveAnIdea Holds Radio Contest

Ihaveanidea has launched a new radio competition for students and young creatives. The First Ever Junior Radio Competition is being sponsored by Pirate Radio and the Radio Marketing Bureau of Canada.

Participants must create a campaign to launch Auto Trader's new luxury car magazine, Luxury Auto Trader. The winning campaign will be produced by Pirate. The deadline for entries is April 2 2004.

Information including entry kits, the creative brief and words of wisdom can be found online at https://www.ihaveanidea.org/radio

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

"If radio is the underdog, then this competition is a blood-thirsty Chihuahua on a rampage for revenge." hehehe! Radio is effing great! It has an unjust reputation, one can paint pictures in peoples heads with radio in a way you never could with a TV commercial, say. Looking forward to hearing real-men-of-genius class radio ideas and seeing the submissions.

caffeinegoddess's picture

Dang it...I'm not eligible. *pout*
I love radio. I haven't had much chance to do it recently with my freelance work. But I think it's one of the things I'm best at. It's even more fun than TV I think, because there are no limits to what kind of thing you can make happen. It just might be the copywriter's most creative outlet when it comes to ads. Plus, we get to keep our hands on it through out the process, without you ADs mucking about with it. ;)

Dabitch's picture

Years later, I'm giving you a wedgie for that. I've done radio without any copywriters involved. In Dutch. So nyah! *rasberry*