ibis "Do not disturb" (2017) 4:50 (France)

Oh how delightful this short film is. So silly but fun and of course so French not just because it is black and white. Do Not Disturb tells a tongue-in-cheek story of the real pop phenom group The Naive New Beaters descent into splenetic feelings and crushing ennui after a grueling two year tour. The band decide the only thing they can do is hole up in an Ibis hotel and do their level-best to get over their funk. At first nothing works. The yoga and tennis and fresh Parisian air breathed from the rooftop don't even make a dent. The fan letters don't cheer them at all. They don't even want to leave their beds. But after a little while, the spark comes back and the lovely accoutrements in the hotel, from the TV to the food, to the service breathe life back in to their weary souls. Even the bed goes from a cave of darkness to a great place to relax.
Soon they're revitalized and ready to create. And create they do. They're even ready to hit the road again. But so in love with the hotel they've become, it only makes sense to recreate it in their own homes. Meanwhile the Ibis has dedicated a room to them. It ends with a concierge giving a tour of the room where they once stayed.
Playful, fun, and while it is just a touch long, this still holds up quite nicely as branded content. The majority of it is set in the hotel, but it never feels overly branded. I think there's one shot of the Ibis hotel sign and that's about it.
Fun stuff.

Brand: ibis
Agency: BETC Paris
Executive Creative Director: Stephane Xiberras
Creative Director: Antoine Choque
Art Director: Romain Ducos
Copywriter: Chrystel Jung
Production Company: Francine Framboise
Director: Raphael Frydman

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