Hyundai - Pipe Job - (2012) :60

The decision. The tape. The pipe. The dramatic wait. The breathing, The music swelling. The disappointment.

The new iX35 has 100% water emissions.

It's also a lot like these ads: Suicide via carbon monoxide poisoning isn't what it used to be, and now Hyundai now join Citroën & Audi in Badland. TL;DR - the idea is not only shit, it's old too.

Hyundai - Pipe Job
Ad agency: Innocean Worldwide Europe
Chief Creative Officer: Jamie Colonna
Creative Director(s): Jamie Colonna
Creative Team: Mark Fiddes / Charity Charity Film Prod Co: Waspface
Director: Paul Gay
Producer: Tim Nunn
Dir of Photography: Maje Zamojda
Post-Prod House: Framestore
Editor: Adam Spivey
Audio House: Factory

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