Hyundai - Fly - (print) Belgium

Why do flies stick to your windshield like that? Hmmm? Duval Guillaume offer their explanation inside.

· Creative Director: Peter Ampe & Katrien Bottez
· Copywriter: Catheline Leroys
· Art Director: Eva De Jonckheere & Seb De Roover
· Retouching: Fred Dupont
· 3D: Creacon
· Media Planner: Davy Caluwaerts
· Account Manager: Filip Van der Haegen
· Account Director: Johan Parmentier
Advertising Agency : Duval Guillaume Brussels
Published/Released (Month, Year): January 2008

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

Those fly faces are great.

Wendall's picture

Suprisingly emotive for insects.

Dabitch's picture

aaaw wook at their widdle teef!