Hyper Island Kindergarten Opening 2012

Hyper Island, the world-leader in the field of education for interactive communication, business management and leadership, announced today it will open a kindergarten in 2012. The Hyper Island Kindergarten will aim to prepare children from the age of 5 for the later challenges of elementary school and beyond.

The Hyper Island Kindergarten will utilize the tried and tested Swedish training model for people in the interactive media, communications and advertising industries that has contributed to making Hyper Island a world- renowned education provider.
Johanna Frelin, Hyper Island’s CEO, says “We are thrilled that we can offer people an early start to their life long learning journey. It will be invaluable to the industry and its development that talent starts with the Hyper Island Way at an early age and also can choose to wrap up their education with our methodology as adults”.

The strong focus on collaboration, group-dynamics and learning-by-doing is the core of Hyper Island’s methodology and the kindergarten will follow this tradition. The Hyper Island Kindergarten will have a strong emphasis on the learning-by-failing aspect of Hyper Island’s methodology as research has proven it to be at the core of children’s personal development.
The Hyper Island Kindergarten will open in 2012 when Hyper Island will also expand its educational range into a high school. More information and the location will be announced later.

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