Humanity and Inclusion "Lifeline" (2018) :60 (Canada)

On its thirty-fifth anniversary Handicap International tapped Cossette to create a new identity for its global network, including a name change. Now known as Humanity & Inclusion, (HI) the organization works with people with disabilities and vulnerable populations in situations of poverty, exclusion, conflict and disaster.

The name change was especially vital at this point in time as the organization's mission extends beyond people with disabilities. Perhaps more importantly, there's a negative connotation around the word “handicap."

The press release describes it like this; "The new name of HI’s international network is based on a virtue the organization holds dear: humanity, which is reflected by a caring and empathetic approach that involves working closely with the people they help and respecting their individuality. This name also communicates a core value that has driven the association for 35 years—the inclusion of people living with a disability and/or in a vulnerable situation, who are often overlooked and ignored."

The anthemic spot and the print ads use the palm of someone's hand as a tie-back to the new logo.

Advertiser: Humanity & Inclusion (Handicap International)
Agency: Cossette
Media agency (in Canada): Cossette Media
Production house: Morrison
Director and photographer: Olivier Staub
Editing: Normal Studio
Animation: Shed
Narration (English): Feist
Narration (French): Pascale Bussières
Sound: Apollo Studios
Research: Impact Research

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