Hot Wheels - Hot Wheels for Real - (2011) :30 (USA)

Remember what it was like playing with a hot wheels car? No? Don't worry, this ad will show you what your little child imagination dreamt of. It's an exercise in 30 seconds of 'weeeeee, watch the edge OMG that was close, weee!'

Advertising Agency: Mistress, Los Angeles, USA
Agency Producer: Kay Lynn Dutcher
Production Company: Bandito Brothers
Executive Producer: Jeff Rohrer
Producer: Ryan Slavin
Director: Mike "Mouse" McCoy
D.O.P: Dean Mitchell
Cameraman: Mike Svitak
Editor: Jeff Tober
Editing Company: Bandito Brothers
Music: Beacon Street Studios / Composed Track
Sound Design: Lime Studios
Post Production: Bandito Brothers
SFX: Cantina Creative

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