Hostage Finds Ideal Partners For Midwest Representation

Production company Hostage Films has secured Ideal Partners for midwest U.S. representation. Founded by industry vet Melissa Beth, Hostage Films is a commercial film production company that serves as the creative home to internationally acclaimed director Ruben Latre.  

Ideal Partners’ Tracy Bernard & Robin Stevens represent renowned and diverse talent to the advertising and marketing communities. Specializing in strong creative relationships and current marketing trends, Ideal Partners connect top-tier production partners.  

“Director/DP Ruben Latre is a cinematic master with a unique visual approach. He applies his production excellence in both live action and design to projects for agencies and brands,” comments Ideal Partners’ Tracy Bernard.  

“Ruben’s striking visual narratives and strong design background compelled Ideal Partners to join forces with him and Hostage Films,” agrees Robin Stevens. “We are excited to see what we can do together.” 

Ruben Latre and Hostage Films’ advertising work includes ads and brand films for Pfizer, Jim Beam, Samsung, HomeGoods, Ghirardelli and Verizon.  

“When looking for Midwest representation, we knew that we wanted a true partnership with people who were passionate about Ruben’s talent and enjoyed the collaborative process that is part of relationship building and delivering creativity for clients,” notes Melissa Beth. “Ideal Partners live up to their name in all ways.” 

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