HomeStreet Bank: Dance Fight (2013) :30 (U.S.A.)

This one comes from Wexley School For Girls, and their ever so friendly bankers from HomeStreet. It takes friendly neighborhood banker to a whole new level. A Step Up level. I'd settle for bankers who knew what they were doing.

Director: Ian Cohen, Todd Grant
Copywriting: Matt Kappler, Ian Cohen
Art director: Stevan Chavez, Todd Grant
Producer: Aylin Koker, Jay Howard
Account Director: Amber Askins
Account Manager: Annie Richards

Production Company: Imperial Woodpecker
Director: Peter Martin
Director of Photography: Corey Walter
Executive Producers: Doug Halbert, Charlie Cocuzza
Producer: Candace Tomarken

Editor – Morgan Griswold
Sound – Scott Weiss, Pure Audio
Music – Squeak E. Clean Productions
Color – Jeff Tillotson, Lightpress

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