HIV Foundation/AIDS Council Finland - Places (for women) (2012) :30 (Finland)

While the first PSA posters for this "places" campaign, which showed only a womans crotch and the check-in status caused some backlash in that they were "slut shaming" (but not really), this one shows the mans crotch as the object to be checked into. Equal opportunity objectifying. Or, to catch a snippet from the linked post, everyone relax a little, step back and try to see the point.

All considered, we should have a much bigger problem with people’s super-fired-up response to ads like this. We claim we want honest campaigns that promote education, sexual health and the candid addressing of relevant social issues, but the minute one of these attempts a blunt approach (which, in our over-stimulated information age, seems the only effective way to reach people), our delicate sensibilities tell us to be offended. We’re way too quick to cry slut-shaming, racism, sexism, fattism, etc., in advertising, even when there are clearly the best of intentions at play.

ad agency: McCann Helsinki

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