Help the homeless: add as friend on facebook via QR-code signs

Students Zorica Micic and Ana Hansel at the Miami Ad School in Berlin have this spec idea that you should be able to add homeless people as your friend, on facebook.

Holding up signs, with their name (reminiscent of the Hello Project), the signs say "give me a place in society" and have a QR code, making you able to befriend them in the virtual world.

Then they plan to build internet stations for the homeless, where they can log on and maybe find some encouraging words of support from their friends. "Because if someone is down, friendship helps them get up again".

Lets just pray the homeless people never meet anonymous or 4chan trolls out there, the internet can be a very mean place.

art director: Zorica Micic
Copywriter: Ana Hansel
@ Miami Ad School Berlin

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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QRazystuff's picture

Here's another great concept using #QR Codes to support homeless people (featured at Lions Futures 2010) -

HowieSPM's picture

I did 3 years of volunteer street outreach in Los Angeles for Stand Up For Kids and homeless are faceless to everyone. Thus the effort to gets kids back on track before its too late. In the US basically you become homeless as an adult almost impossible to get off the street. We have limited public resources for them and no one cares about them. Funny for such a christ loving nation right?