Hellman's - Oedipus - (2004) 0:30 (Argentina)

aw shucks, this is just too sweeeet.

Director: Javier Nir
Agency: Agulla & Baccetti

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

aaaaaaw what a heart-spin! Must... buy.. Hellman's.... (and have a son.) ;))

Neaner's picture

Talk about emotional sell. Really cute.

Hygge's picture

Oh common... this is crap. Typical Argenetina, trying to be over emotional with silly products.

Bet the client loved it.

tod.brody's picture

Yes, it's crap that sent every mother running out to buy Hellman's.

blabla's picture

Wow. Mayo sold by emotions. Well done.