
Director Johan Stahl Helms Heartwarming Spot for Cadbury Asia

Johan Ståhl recently directed “Bus Ride,” a heartwarming spot for Cadbury Chocolate.

No one says it but everyone does it: "Uber Eats, ça arrive."

*"Ça arrive": in French there's a double meaning "It's coming" and also "It happens".

Phizer / Prevnar 13® - My Hero / Superhero - (2021)

A father gives his son everything, including the inspiration to be a proper superhero.

CANAL+ “The Punishment.” (2021) :100 (France)

A mother discovers that her son it terrible at math.

Canal+ - The Punishment (2021) :45 (France)

CANAL+ shows mother knows best thanks to “The Punishment.” A beautiful mix of humor, truth, and an impressive reel of TV/contents offerings in one wi

McDonald's Inner Child / #ReindeerReady (2020) :90 (UK)

McDonald's continue with their seasonal reindeer ready labeling of carrot treats, this year the story is about a mother and a sullen teenage son

Chase - The first step to knowing money matters (2020) :45 (USA)

A father teaches his son about banking by giving him his own Chase account, card, and app that helps him set saving goals. 

ELISA ”Stay Connected” (2017) 2:22 (Finland)


Little Caesars - Stargazing - (2012) :30 (USA)

The answer my friend is blowing in the wind.. ..err... in the stars. Sure. The stars say we should get pizza pizza.

Panasonic HD - Moments / Learning to ride a bike - (2009) :30 (UK)

I have just completed this charming commercial for the new Panasonic HD camera.

Orange - Kiss Back (2006) :90 (UK)

A young mother kisses her baby, and a series of kiss scenes follow as the baby grows up to be a boy, then a teenager, then a young man.

Hydro Texaco - Fars job - (2001) 0:60 (Denmark)

kiddo at the racetrack
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Holiday Inn - Fit It All In (2005) 0:30 (USA)

All in!

Hellman's - Oedipus - (2004) 0:30 (Argentina)

McDonalds - Sex (2001) - 0:30 (USA)

Wrangler - Blair & Barry Burk - Pretty Tight (2001) - 0:30 (USA)

A father and son in the land where a brand is a white-hot hunk of metal.

Sundhedsstyrelsen - Far og Son - (1992) 0:30 (Denmark)

USAir - Where Are We? (1992) - 0:30 (USA)

"Grandpa used to take me to the same field."

PDFA Anti-Drug - "I learned it by watching you, dad!" (1987) :30 (USA)

Dad finds his kids drug stash and confronts him.

Wisk - Ring around the collar (1984) :30 (USA)

"My own kitchen, my own bedroom" "and your very own ring around the collar"

Purina Dog Chow - Danny Boy (1984) - 0:30 (USA)

Father and son walk their dog on the beach, as son asks how old their dog will get.
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Diet Coke - Olympic Dad (1984) - 0:30 (USA)

A father mentors his son all the way to the gold medal. 

Army - Tom - Engineer (1984) - 0:30 (USA)

Want to be an engineer, son?

Colombian Coffee - Heritage - (1982) :30 (USA)

It is no wonder a country so rich in traditions grows the richest coffee in the world.

Fritos - "Muncha a buncha, Muncha a bunch Fritos go with lunch" (1980) :30 (USA)

The little boy seems terribly bored with his lunch offering until mom pops some Fritos corn chips on his plate. Sing alone!

Hovis - Northern life - (1973) :45 (UK)

We walked off to shop after the war my mum and me.

The Great Gassers Toy Racers - tune 'em up (1973)

"Race 'em along with your son" was the jingle.
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