HBO - "Attention Germs!" (1998) :60 (USA)

Quite a funny parody, George C. Scott, the actor from 'Patton,' is back, but this time he's the 'king germ' in charge.

He gives this epic speech to his germ squad, and together they plan to take over a deserted office by hijacking the TV remote. They all jump on it, and bam! HBO comes on. The germs are partying hard until a cleaning lady shows up and sprays disinfectant on their fun.

Tagline: 'It's not TV. It's HBO!'

Production: PYTKA
Director: Joe Pytka

Music: David Horowitz Music
Producer: Regina Ebel
Producer: Becky Friedman
Editing: Crew Cuts
Editor: Sherri Margulies

Creative Director (copywriter): Michael Patti
Art Director: Don Schneider

Principal talent: George C. Scott

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