Harmonix/Rock Band 4 "Electric Trailer" (2015) 1:21 (USA)

Featuring the song "I Am Electric" by Heaven's Basement, Rock Band 4's trailer eschews comedy and the celebrity star power of Lenny Kravitz and James Franco's Guitar Hero for a hybrid of gameplay people and real people playing the game to the point where at one point I trouble knowing which was which for a second. I guess that was the point.

And while they work hard to get across the "fun to play," message, the spot looks like they shot it in Buffalo Bill's garage. Unlike Guitar Hero's epic guitar controller smash, Rock Band wimps out at the end. The dude looks as if he's about to, and then turns it into some weird move like he's about to hit a tennis serve.

Both Guitar Hero and Rock Band have been brought back from the dead touting innovations in one form or another. We'll see who wins the retail wars.

Client; Harmonix/ Rock Band 4

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