Hardees - Live TV - Scare Small Children (2002) - 0:30 (USA)

"I crush your head! Crush! Crush!"
- Kids in the Hall havin' fun with perspective

Groannnn. The POV of the "live" camera in this testimonial-style spot blatantly distorts the size and scale of their Six Dollar Burger (Only $3.95! Whee!), which is sad and completely unnecessary -- it's genuinely a large-ish burger, as they've already beaten into the collective noggin of America over the last year.

The kid in this spot is great, and they captured a terrific scene with him in what appears to be a genuine reaction, but the gross and transparent exaggeration with the camera and direction of the dad is pandering at its worst.

What's left after this? Claim its taste is superior to filet mignon or that it lowers your cholesterol?

If this is what the campaign has been reduced to, it's time to hang it up, guys. Really.

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