Happy Days for Dabitch from Bankwest

Thanks Bannerblog for sharing the oh-so-kyoot & ridiculous gem that is the singing kittens from Bankwest. I needed that - though I don't like being called Shirley. Silly kitties!

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purplesimon's picture

Shirley, is has a certain ring to it. No?

Dabitch's picture

He he he.

Allan1's picture

Must be a scene from the "Don't Call Me Shirley" Edition!


[What was the name of the actress playing the other stewardess (the "blonde")? Was it Lorna Patterson?]

I went to IMDB and couldn't find a definitive answer. I did stumble upon this strange little factoid - the little girl on the plane (who liked her coffee the way she liked her men - Black!) was played by Michelle Stacy, who had played many parts in movies, TV, commercials, and animation [the voice of Penny in "The Rescuers" (1977)] from 1974 thru 1980, ending with this movie. She apparently dropped off the face of the earth - at least according to IMDB. I found mention of her in Movies Unlimited, supposedly having done one film in 1999, called "Island Girls", an unrated, soft-core 'adult' movie. Then nothing else... Weird...

"Remember, no matter where you go... There you are." (Buckaroo Banzai).
"Hey, barkeep, 2 Rock Over Hip-Hops and 1 Bach Over Vivaldi with ice."