Gyro redoes the worst logo in Philly for free

Philly's Worst Logo from Gyro Worldwide who has rounded up a bunch of bad logos. They sent their interns out to scour Philadelphia for the worst logos they could find. Then, they asked for people to vote and the winner was redesigned by Gyro's interns.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Allan1's picture

Does this mean that you're a Philly area person? (as I am).

BTW, the "I Hate Steven Singer" campaign has been pretty effective, as far as I can tell....

[Essentially, the reason to "hate" Steven Singer, is because his jewelry is so good, and yet so inexpensive, and the people at the store are actually helpful, that you can no longer tell your wife [s.o., etc.] that you can't afford that beautiful jewelry, and you're going to be expected to buy more of if all the time].

caffeinegoddess's picture

Me? Nope, a bit further north. :)
I stumbled across the info and figured I'd share with the gang.

Allan1's picture


Are you in MA? (are you J.G. on the RSS? or am I just very confused...:-))

I was born and bred in Philly, and now live 20 miles northeast of it. So all of the logos they show, are familiar to me. (Well, one of them was not so familiar, but I think I've seen it. - No. It's not the bar, or Geno's).

I wonder if Steven Singer will use their new Logo? (The "I Hate ..." quotes that they show - jagged white letters on black, matches the "I Hate Steven Singer" ads).



Dabitch's picture

She's J.G on the RSS. My bad.