google in the media biz... will they make the leap?

Google's media ambitions have been causing quite a stir lately... for example, this article in the NYTimes: Google Wants to Dominate Madison Avenue, Too talks about how google is thinking about ways to apply their search ad formulas to other media formats.

But so far, most of what Google has played with is similar to search ads in a lack of creativity...

What I would love to see is Google make the leap to rich media and interactive tv. Perhaps by purchasing a company such as Eyeblaster and applying the Google content serving algorithms to the serving of rich media, users would not only see ads that they were interested in, but that were also engaging and entertaining.

This strikes me as a gold mine of an opportunity for both Google and agencies -- and therefor clients and consumers as well. The ability for consumers to easily find relevant, high quality, rich content and experiences across a variety of media would provide brands with a truely full spectrum engagement opportunity. And while this opportunity does exist to some extent currently, the posibilities presented by a Google search type serving and analyzing system would be enormous.

I for one would welcome their incursion into diverse forms of media in such a form.

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