Google Glass Explorer Story "Roy Choi" (2014) 1:50 (USA)

Just in time for St Patrick's Day, L.A. celebrity chef and food truck auteur (for lack of a better word) Roy Choi shows us what google glass can do in his food prep. Yeah, it's a straight up product demo, trying really hard to not be. But it is.

And basically we learn that google glass for all its usefulness, can also slow him down by making him take the time to look up recipes every chef should already know, not to mention get interrupted by calls from his mom. That's the power of google glass. The other power of google glass is being shunned by public eating and drinking establishments.

By the way, can you just imagine what a pair of google glass looks like after you've been cooking beef and onions in a skillet in the kitchen, and they're all covered with grease? Mmm tasty.

Speaking of the food truck scene, it's imploding here in L.A. Roy Choi's Kogi Turck may have put food trucks on the national map in 2009, but in the past month four of the most popular ones here have closed. Maybe that's why Choi opened another brick and mortar store.

Client: google
Agency: Anomaly
Creative Director: Jason Musante
Agency Producer: Niki Polyocan, Sean Corcoran
Production Company: Decon
Director: Jason Goldwatch
Executive Producer: Misha Louy

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