Fridays For Future (Greta Thunberg) unveils “We Don’t Care” for Global Climate Strike

To announce the next Global Climate Strike on March 25, Fridays for Future U.S. unveils “We Don’t Care”, a new spot created by FRED & FARID Los Angeles. The film introduces a cast of casually cool pre-teens who question the legitimacy and purpose of climate change concerns directly to the camera:  “If current generations don’t care about the future of our planet, who will?”

Yeah, alright, that's a fair question I suppose. But, at the same time, after Swedish Greta Thurnberg toured the world,  76 percent of this generation considers climate change among the biggest societal concerns, according to a 2021 Pew Research survey. 

So F&F poses the question - what if Gen Z were as unbothered as the previous generations were about the wellbeing of the earth? I recall the worry I had as a kid recycled jeans about the acid rains and dead fish in the 70s when we all ate lentils in reusable containers. And I remember when we all switched from freon hairsprays to "pumps", we used recycled paper everywhere, and we only shopped vintage to not add to the fast fashion waste. And that was in the late 1980s and early 1990s. But I suppose that came and went in waves, and pockets of youth would always care more than others. So, with the look of a late '90s public service announcement, Gen Z tells us that they don't care. And that's a bad thing. Also, as I recall, that's when I stopped caring - so, poignant choice of stylistic timing. I believe that's when the hipness of caring about the environment died off and Greenpeace was suddenly uncool.

Katharina Maier, Organizer with Fridays For Future U.S. ( “The good news is that scientists believe limiting warming is absolutely technically possible. With renewable energy technologies, changes in farming and transport, and shift in our society's norms, we can limit warming and avoid even worse outcomes. However most of us are not shifting our way of thinking, way of living, way of consuming, way of communicating, etc… It is urgent to act to save our planet before it’s too late and together we can. If we don’t care, who will?


This new campaign marks the 5th collaboration between FRED & FARID Los Angeles and Fridays for Future. In 2020, FRED & FARID Los Angeles illustrated Greta’s Thunberg metaphor in the spot “House on Fire”. In early 2021, on the day that NASA’s Perseverance Rover touched down on Mars, Fridays For Future U.S. and FRED & FARID Los Angeles unveiled “1%” – a satirical tourism ad for Mars, to awaken the 99% of humans who will have to stay on Earth. And in September 2021, for Fridays for Future’s Global Climate Strike, FRED & FARID launched “The Denial”, a film to illustrate our global denial about the climate crisis, in which a man was simply running into a wall.

Title of ad: We Don’t Care

Client: Fridays For Future U.S.

Fridays for Future U.S. Organizer: Katharina Maier

Fridays for Future U.S. Organizer: Liv Schroeder

Agency: FRED & FARID Los Angeles

Chief Creative Officers: Fred & Farid

Creative Director: Nicolas Berthier

Art Director: Radouane Guissi 

Copywriter: Ciana Alessi

Agency Supervisor: Jules Chaffiotte

Executive Producer: Amanda Van Caneghem

Director: dream inc.

Cinematographer: Amos Le Blanc

Producer: Julia Fae

Stylist: Briana Walden

Stylist assistant: Namwan Preechapatananon

AD:  Julia Fae

Art Director: dream inc.

location sound: Carter Imperial

Post production: dream inc.


Colorist: dream inc.


Editor: Thank


Sound Design & Mix: Defacto Sound

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