French Connection Kung-Fu Lesbian Ad Causes Complaints

A French Connection "Fashion versus Style" TV and cinema advert, part of a £2 million campaign, aired for the first time on Sunday. The ASA has already received 50 complaints about the :90 spot by BMB.

The French Connection advert shows a blonde and a brunette model fighting in a basement before getting soaked in water and sharing a passionate kiss.

An ASA spokeswoman said: "Complaints have been on two points. Some believe it's offensive in its sexual nature, particularly the lesbian kiss. Others have complained about the violence."

The new advert, directed by Duncan Jones, the son of singer David Bowie, is only shown after the 9pm watershed.

You can see the ad in full over at Brand Republic.

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MaryWills's picture

I thought Beattie and the brand were going to change to more subtle. This is far from subtle. And just about as lame as the "FCUK" after the first couple of years.

AnonymousCoward's picture

I get a mental picture of the person who comes up with this sort of thing and it makes me weep.