flirt, squirt and sex sells?

... OR does it?

Is this a case of dupliclaims - or are these just wet dreams of creatives?

The first example above, is from flirt vodka. we suspect this ad actually ran, though rumor has it, only in sailor bar mens room poster space above the urinals. It depicts a helpful girl on a moonlight date. we guess. *shrug*

We had a whopping good laugh at it until Fozzie from adlist rebutted with these two ads he received from a few friends:

The puma ads above and below though, we wonder if they ever could run anywhere but possibly Loaded or Maxim.. :)

Puma girls spittle, not swallow.

Or as Brent on adlist put it:

"These are so incredibly tasteless they must be real. No sane person would do this [just] to put in a book."

Next trend - porn film product placements? Does anyone know what agency/creative team did the second set of puma ads?

feel free to comment.

PUMA AG Statement regarding unauthorized "bad taste advertisement":
It has been brought to our attention that several unauthorized, sexually suggestive advertisements portraying the PUMA brand have been released over the Internet. We are appalled that images like these would be created and distributed under the PUMA name. As a brand, we seek to take a unique perspective toward our advertising in an effort to challenge the boundaries of our industry; however we would never consider using these tactics.

We are in the process of researching the circumstances and reserve any legal steps available.

Our reply to their cease and desist order is here.
We haven't removed the ads which are not PUMA's creation, just blurred their trademarks, we also have not posted their actual Cease and Desist order.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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anonymous's picture

if they would target girls, they would show a man giving head to a woman-for sure!
why should a girl be inspired to buy puma by such a pic?? she won't get an orgasm by performing a blowjob. or do some stupid menstill believe this porn myth that girls are getting sexual fulfillment by cock sucking???
this all is really boring! always the same dumb male fantasies. men should be creative in finding out what makes girls really happy. if this fake ad would be showing a cunnilingus scene it would be really avant-garde and would deserve this hype.

anonymous's picture

to add to the effect -- my bulgarian friend tells me the line at the top of the first ad says "he said he was counting the stars." (the bottom line is apparently Flirt Vodka's standard advertising tagline, "keep your memories"). what's more, she assures me that it's completely plausible that this is a real ad of theirs; apparently ad stunts of this nature are not at all uncommon in bulgaria these days.

tlevitz's picture


Some real creative bad boys over there. World domination can' t be too far off!

anonymous's picture

why are so many logos on the Puma ads blurred out? that's what made it look fake to me.

Dabitch's picture

(i always wonder if such questions are serious....)

the images have been blurred after the Puma statement so that we dont mess with Puma - They've made it clear the ads are not created by them and fake, and hence we pixellated out their Logo's and trademarks as that is their stuff - but the ad isn't.


I don't want to delete the badlander [the fact that we still have two BJ ads here strikes me as very funny and this was originally posted as a badland set of ads - not because we were freaking out about the puma stuff. We're just adgeeks here plain and simple. ;-) ]

Neo's picture

that's it. i'm moving to bulgaria.

anonymous's picture

i is good and it does sell..i love it!!!

Sport's picture

I'm still hoping they follow through and actually sue you though - if only because I really want to see you slide up to court in a miniskirt, fishnet kneehighs and puma shoes.


anonymous's picture

hustler got sued by campari for one of these fake ads and larry flynt took it to the supreme court & won.

Dabitch's picture

.... yeah dang shame really... :)

But PUMA did sell one pair of shoes thanx to these ads! I've been looking at these images long enough to get tempted to buy those black classic white striped sneakers. :))

shame i couldn't find the purse, that red one is dead cute and i want it.

Dabitch's picture

Larry Flynt ROCKED!

anonymous's picture

Yes, this ad did run in Bulgaria last year throughout summer on citylights and as magazine adverting. I live hear and saw them. They have about 3 other similar executions as part of the same campaign.

Dabitch's picture

I agree. Too many men in advertising I guess.

I'd like to see some really avant garde ads, which I believe only talented female creative can think up - sorry boys, but we've already seen what your one-track minds can produce. *yawn* I say.

anonymous's picture

yo...these ads from Puma...
GOT STOPPING POWER...i mean it...really...

anonymous's picture

Actually, the top ad for flirt vodka is from the country of Bulgaria. This ad was actually all over at the time, and in poster stands on the main street in the capital of Sofia. This is EXTREMELY common here, and other companies do it too. (there is a great one that is a kitchen with finger lines left in some whipped cream....:)
By the way, the caption says "he said, he was just counting the stars" As an american living here, its WAY different from what i was used to in the states, but is cool from a free speech and advertising standpoint.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Well what can I say... I've lived in Bulgaria for 18 years and this ad wasn't perceived as anything but super cool and original when it first came out. It circulated only in print, on billboards, in magazines and posters. It is one of a whole new line of ads Flirt vodka came up with and it included slogans like "He said there was an earthquake" and the picture of a trashed bedroom; "She said she was making cake" acompanied by the picture of a kitchen table spattered with cream and strawberries; "he said he was picking wild berries" and a picture of a man's neck with 3 deep scratches, amazingly similar to the ones nails would leave and so on...
Actually right now I'm trying to get a hold of all these for my advertising class and if I manage I could scan it for you.

Dabitch's picture

that would be ace if you could - it sounds like a great if very saucy and racy campaign.

AnonymousCoward's picture

The Vodka Flirt ad above really did run - on walls, billboards, magazines, etc.
There are a lot of similar ads to this one (for Vodka Flirt).
The saying on this one is: He said he is counting the stars.
I don't know where did you get this ad from but this is a Bulgarian ad

Dabitch's picture

brent phoned GYRO. these ads are not made by them.

They sounded as they might have an idea who did though. or perhaps they're just guessing like the rest. ;-)

Dabitch's picture

This was also said by ms Hall on adlist - Obviously they're targeting women with these ads - girls sneakers and handbags in front - and what the heck were they thinking.. That WOMEN would like these ads? Cheeky.

claymore's picture

If this is exemplary of the latest generation of talent emerging from portfolio school, my career is secure.

tlevitz's picture

I suspect they're targeting the boyfriend Victoria's Secret style ... Girls like handbags and shoes... handbags and shoes = happy girlfriend... happy girlfriend = very happy boyfriend.

"hey fellas, give your girlfriend the gift that keeps on giving - right back to you!"

Dabitch's picture

You got it all sussed tlevitz! :))

tlevitz's picture

It's the unfortunate byproduct of hanging out with too many men... I used to think I was a traitor to my gender then I squirmed uncomfortably when my partner demanded loudly that we include a Queen of the Jungle-looking babe on some table tents and POP.

I fervently pray he never sees this Puma stuff.

Dabitch's picture

too late - i sent him the link. *hehehe*

tlevitz's picture


anonymous's picture

... anyone else belive it was gyro worldwide (us agency) who did this puma campaign?


tlevitz's picture

Speaking of porn, good old-fashioned "beer porn" comes to spirits! No, no sane person would put this in their book (at least since the big crackdown on ghost ads and the recent return to somewhat good taste - remember the one featuring that guy from Sugar Ray with the girl straddling him in the bathroom?)...

Perhaps this is the handiwork / attention-seeking stunt of a recent portfolio school grad... especially if they've been told to cut down on the condom ads.

a "balls out" stunt, heehee.

anonymous's picture

i hang my head in shame for knowing this, but the porn magazine Hustler used to run ad parodies very similar to both of these using real brands, not knock offs. i never understood why companies they parodied didn't get in a serious huff and stop the practice.

so... has anyone actually seen these ads in print? that they're supposedly displayed in Brazilian Maxim issues sounds suspiciously difficult to confirm. and the semen on the woman's leg seems extra fishy. "hoax?" is what i'm asking here.

anonymous's picture

PUMA AG Statement regarding unauthorized "bad taste advertisement":

It has been brought to our attention that several unauthorized, sexually suggestive advertisements portraying the PUMA brand have been released over the Internet. We are appalled that images like these would be created and distributed under the PUMA name. As a brand, we seek to take a unique perspective toward our advertising in an effort to challenge the boundaries of our industry; however we would never consider using these tactics. We are in the process of researching the circumstances and reserve any legal steps available.

Dabitch's picture

PUMA AG Statement regarding unauthorized "bad taste advertisement" [fixed the broken link] - puma has made a statement - these are not real PUMA ads.

anonymous's picture

I dont care, I'm going to buy some Pumas right now.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Too bad they where fakes, I almost considered buying something by Puma, but I guess it was too good to be true.

anonymous's picture

where did this statement appear?
other than here.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Do we believe them? I mean, what a great ploy if they actually did it and claimed they didn't...