First Kiss is not only an ad, but also a copy of Canal Plus ca 1994

the kiss

We blinked, and suddenly there's an uproar on the web that "the touching viral video of strangers kissing was "just" an ad for clothes". Wait a minute, did WREN Fall 14 in the title not give it away? Wasn't it glaringly obvious in the cross section of pretty semi-celebs doing all the snogging? Did the line "well, you're an actress..." NOT clue you in? Exactly how naive is the web at large these days, because I have a bridge to unload...

Even Slate frown that this Video of Strangers Kissing Is “Beautiful” Because It Stars Models as they just discovered that all of the semi-celebs in this ad are attractive people used to being in front of the camera. Egads. So while the video spawned first touch, first bump and (ugh) Funny Or Die joined in with First Shit. Before Jimmy Fallon made sure the spoofing was over-done with kittens and puppies doing it in "First Lick", and has thus made a successful viral run, nobody seems to have picked up on the fact that it was intended to sell these clothes seen in the ad, despite it clearly stating it's from Wren studio.

So it's been seen, celebrated, spoofed and now it's also Badlanded, because way back in nineties when I was a young adpup, ca 1994, Pascale Ferran (who wrote and directed Lady Chatterley) directed this for Canal Plus. Looks quite similar, doesn't it? Now, if you're not going to buy that bridge, get off my lawn.

Update, now Mother London joins in, with a "first kiss" between dogs. Wake me when this is over.
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