First Ever Autodesk Flame Award Winner: The Artery’s Vico Sharabani

The Autodesk Flame community honored The Artery VFX ECD and Flame artist Vico Sharabani with its inaugural Flame Award at the recent International Broadcasting Convention (IBC). The award serves as a broad recognition of Sharabani’s vast contributions to the visual effects industry over the past 23 years, from boundary-pushing VFX creation to his unwavering role as a technical and creative innovator.

“Getting such recognition from this unique community of artists is very humbling.” said Sharabani. “Flame has been central to my work and business since 1995, so I could have done very little of what I have without its amazing tools.”

Sharabani has built The Artery primarily on his Flame skills, amassing a portfolio that includes work with global brands like Nike and Mercedes, as well as with high profile artists such as Beyonce, Coldplay and Nicki Minaj, to name a few.

Perhaps more than any other quality, it is Sharabani’s unwavering commitment to sharing his insights with other artists that has contributed to his status in the industry. His groundbreaking SIGGRAPH technical paper and presentation in 2003 introduced an innovative 3D rig that was considered a major advance in computer graphics. “I have always been deeply engaged in a public conversation with other artists, and like to share my ideas openly,” Sharabani notes.

Behind Sharabani’s ongoing success is a relentless dedication to learning and innovation. He is currently in the midst of the rigorous EMBA program at The Berlin School of Creative Leadership. He injects this drive and enthusiasm into every aspect of The Artery’s operations, pushing the young studio to turn out massive quantities of high- profile work. He remains focused on developing and evolving the company’s business model, pushing his team to master all disciplines in both the creative aspect and the production one.

“In an industry bursting with talent, there is a handful of standouts that combine creative, technical, community and business skills at a high level, and Vico’s name is on that very short list,” noted The Artery EP and partner Yfat Neev. “We have worked together for nearly two decades. Vico’s success and consistent innovation inspires me and our team on a daily basis.”

About The Artery:
The Artery VFX is working with a variety of industries: advertising, entertainment, music and art.
 The Artery VFX is a content creator of high-end visual content: feature films, commercials, digital experiences, art-installations and music-videos.

Servicing high profile projects, brands and Fortune 500 companies.

Led by Vico Sharabani and Yfat Neev in our NY studio, we offer custom-tailored A-teams and unique production pipelines to efficiently deliver the highest level of work based on the every project needs.

The Artery VFX combine the most sought after talent with the latest technologies, in a modern business model to achieve outstanding results.

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