Fedex - Witness Protection Program - (2011) :30 (USA)

Fedex is back! The quirky sense of humor that I love pops up again in this Fedex ad where a dense guy doesn't grasp the concept of a witness protection program and remaining anonymous.... Points for the beefy men in black.

Client : FedEx Agency : BBDO New York Production : O Positive Director : Jim Jenkins Chief Creative Officer : David Lubars Executive Creative Director : Mike Smith Executive Creative Director : Greg Hahn Creative Director/ writer : Peter Kain Creative Director/ art director : Gianfranco Arena Executive Producer : Elise Pavone EP: Ralph Laucella Line Producer: Marc Grill Prod. Designer: Jason Edmonds Director of Photography: Larry Fong Edit House: Mackenzie Cutler Editor: Ian Mackenzie

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AnonymousCoward's picture

this is the best commercial Ive seen in a loooong time.

AnonymousCoward's picture

What a funny video :) I haven't seen such a funny commercial for a few years :)