Fashion blogger Negin Mirsalehi created honey-based hair product.

Instagram sensation and fashion blogger Negin Mirsalehi introduces Gisou: her own honey infused hair oil.

Negin Mirshalehi comes from a long line for beekeepers. Six generations long, to be exact. One of the fringe benefits of growing up in a beekeeping family is unsurprisingly all that honey. In addition to making for good eats, honey is a multitasker. Negin’s mother, who used to be a hairdresser, was using it in homemade haircare products.

Now, Negin continues her family's beekeeping tradition with the launch of Gisou, a honey-based hair oil soon to be available in selected stores and can be ordered online. This product is said to strengthen and moistruize hair. The name Gisou, by the way, is an Iranian-Persian name that means ‘women’s hair.’

Agency Fitzroy Amsterdam was responsible for the strategy, design and packaging.

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The package design is nice. Like a new take on classy 70s stuff.