Famous Footwear - Kenyans (2011) :15 USA

Kenyans: A fitness shoe inspires a woman to see herself running alongside – and passing – a group of Kenyan distance racers in this 2011 summer ad by Campbell Mithun for Famous Footwear. Yes the spot was shot in a real game preserve.
See also Martial Arts and Undercover Cop

"Kenyans" launched 5/11 in Campbell Mithun's seasonal "A New You" campaign under the "Make Today Famous" campaign umbrella.

Client: Famous Footwear
Agency: Campbell Mithun
Director: The Snorri Brothers of Interrogate
Agency AD: Andy Anema
Agency CW: Bill Johnson
Agency Producer: David Howell
Editor: Brian Slater of Fischer Edit
Music/sound design: Todd Syring, Syring Music LLC

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