Exploding in slow motion

Aaaah, pyrotechnics. I'll admit it. I love it. I want a big budget just so that I can blow the whole thing up. I have the T-shirts that reads "if you see a pyro running - keep up!".

I also consider the following ad & music video pure porn. Twice. Talk about double the pleasure.

Compare the "Gangsta trippin'" Fat Boy Slim video from late nineties and directed by Roman Coppola, to the recently released Nokia advert. Yeah, these guys like explosions too. In slow motion. Bless'em.

See the Nokia advert in full here in the commercial archive.

You can check out the Fat Boy slim video "Gangsta trippin'" here

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Dabitch's picture

aw Clay.. You smooth talker you. You know just what a girrl wants. purrrrr.