Equinox - Candles/Figure Drawing/Natural Beauty/Table (2008) Print (USA)

Equinox's new campaign by Fallon is titled "Happily Ever." The ads feature images of hot bodies posing in provocative positions with the headline "Happily Ever," followed by "What's your after?" in small print.

Adage happened to have some quotes from the senior director of marketing for Equinox on the campaign:

"The big selling point of Fallon was their creativity," said Hillary Benjamin, senior director-marketing for Equinox. "This new campaign is so strategically sound and out-of-the-box that it will exponentially fill the marketplace on its strength."

"It's [about] both fitness and lifestyle," Ms. Benjamin said. "We were looking to continue to evolve the brand's lifestyle position. Our members are less motivated by physical results [than] the long-term implications of being physically and emotionally fit. They work hard for their rewards, and in this case, our members expect their ultimate fantasy, their 'happily ever after.'"

Fallon hired Paris fashion photographer and director Ellen van Unwerth to shoot the campaign. The photos focus on four themes: female and male sexual fantasy, inner beauty and eternal youth. They all carry sexual overtones, from three nuns painting a nude male model in a David-like pose to women eating fruit off a man's stomach.

"We wanted it to be visually arresting enough so people will understand and take note of the campaign," Ms. Benjamin said.

Don't miss the Epic long Equinix commercial "Table"


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Andreas-Udd's picture

Are the lines on the women supposed to be plastic surgery lines? That doesn't make sense for a gym.

Dabitch's picture

... and are the nuns staring at the only part of a man that can't be improved at the gym? ;)

I think the surgery-line women are the fake and jilted ones. The man gives his attentions to a woman who has none.

The 100-year old lady is pretty good.

alex's picture

Is the 100-year old lady the same model as the young one?

Allan1's picture

I first thought that the 100-year old lady was the one on the right, with the 2 guys, and that the white haired personage on the left was her (younger?) husband. [Meaning she looks DAMN good for 100!].

My second thought was that it's the husband (on the left) who was turning 100, and his hot wife is on the right, with her boy toys.

Does anybody really know? ("Does anybody really care? ...")

"Remember, no matter where you go... There you are." (Buckaroo Banzai).
"Hey, barkeep, 2 Rock Over Hip-Hops and 1 Bach Over Vivaldi with ice."

Benihahna's picture

Great idea, but the execution is too fashionable. Fashion is not sexy.

Benihahna's picture

Also, I first though that it was 100-year old Mom, Dad and their three sons in that birthday ad, which is too kinky for my tastes.

NoCloset's picture

A homosexual fantasy version wouldn't hurt in my humble opinion.

Get out of the closet. It's dark in there.