"Everyone knows this guy, but no one understands why" says the VO of the ad starring none other than Hide-the-pain Harold, whose real name is András Arató. And why does he have that face? Could it be sadness, shyness, or lack of charisma? No, here he is “Cara de Azia” (“Heartburn Face”), which explains why he has looked like this for years. With a quick sorting out using Eno heartburn salts, his face finally relaxes and he smiles.
According to Carol Curi, ENO Manager, the brand chose humor to connect with consumers. “ENO Fruit Salt is a superb ally for people who need to better their heartburn. Bringing an iconic figure such as the Harold meme guy to this dialogue gives more force for our communication to expand the target,” she says.
“To have one of the biggest memes in the world as a character in our campaign is to combine work and fun, and still have the opportunity to build an even more proprietary tone to highlight ENO in this category. The Cara de Azia campaign is not only a relief for Harold, but also for consumers, since talking about heartburn doesn't have to be boring”, emphasize Laura Azevedo and Ricardo Schreier, Creative Directors from Publicis Haleon Brasil.
“Brazilians love memes, and we choose this character for the strength of engagement and the ability to create a connection with different audiences. It's a different, funny and very powerful project”, explains Carol.
Cara de azia
Client: Haleon Brasil
Client approval: Juan Katz, Andre Campos, Debora Kawa Levacov, Carolina Curi, Filipe Pena
Executive Creative Director: Dani Ribeiro
Creative/Content Direction: Laura Azevedo, Ricardo Schreier and Claudia Cecilia
Art direction: Leonardo Azevedo, Rafael Homor and Victor Salioni
Copywriter: José Oliveira, Laura Azevedo and Ana Scala
Content Supervisor: Talitha Andrade
Executive Business Director: Lucas Rodrigues and Joanna Alencar
Business manager: Livia Toledo
Business assistant: Eduardo Lopes
Project leader: Nadia Mathias and Ana Gomes
Project manager: Mayra Gaino
Strategy director: Rafael Fiorito
Strategy manager: Flavia Novelli,
Strategy Supervisor: John Oliveira
Strategy assistant: Victoria Marcilio and Aretha Santos
Media Directors: Luca Lima
Junior Media Director: Fabio Montenegro
Media Manager: Piero Rossi, Andre Pollner
Media Supervisor: Juliana Jardim
Media Coordinator: Bruna Leite
Media Assistant: Luis Tomazela
Head of production: Renata Sayão
RTV: Luize Oliveira e Edivania Coimbra
Producer: Surreal Hotel Arts
COO: Cris Chacon
Executive Production: Milena Trindade
Head of production: Lu Martins
CCO: Carlão Busato
Creative Direction: Deia Matos
Creative Development:Alex Ulhoa, Victória Isabela da Silva and Sol Ômigra
Line Producers: João Avena, Ale Borzani
Executive assistant: Buba Kore
Coordinating Assistants: Ana Alegretti, Bruna Brito and Beatriz Prado
Direction: Carlão Busato and Luigi Parisi
Photography direction: Alex Akira
Art direction: Patricia Pereira
1st Assistant Director: Ju Cretela
2nd Assistant Director: Elis Manukian
Production Direction: Lu Oppido
production assistants: Kika Fonseca and Sara Serra
Art Producer:: Betinho Baeta and Priscila Zanini
Costume designer: Giovanna Moretto
Art Direction Assistants: Mariana Pesce and Priscila Zanini
Casting Producer: Alice Wolfenson and Neto Avena
Location producer: Tati Setton
Head of Post-Production: Bruno Melo
Post Production Assistant: Leandro Ferreira
Finisher: Murillo Moura
Editing: Jon Kadocsa
Post production house: Warriors VFX
Color Correction: Acauan Pastore
Audio producer: Jamute
Executive Sound Producer: James Feeler
Producer (Cara de Azia): James Feeler and Marcos Vaz
Producer (Tônica): James Feeler e Leck Gomes
Sound engineer: Fernanda Galetti, Otavio Bertolo and Rafael Laurenti
Attendance: Kiki Eisenbraun, Sabrina Geraissate and Érika Santana
Coordination: Juliana Zuppo and Leo Vieira
Finally, this explains the meme. One of the few times I've seen a meme used well in an ad. Bravo.
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