Dumb ways to die starts winning everything in Cannes.

As predicted Dumb Ways To Die is raking home the lions in Cannes, it took the Grand Prix in the Direct Lions and PR Lions. It also got a nice Gold Lion in the Promo & Activation Lions category. Trust me, it ain't over until the fat fireworks blow up on Saturday, there will be more. How do I know? Have you seen anything else memorable in 2012? That cleaned up at both D&AD and One Show?

Of course, this is Cannes, we can always hope for a dark horse from an exotic country .. :)

Dumb ways to die is Android app, an iTunes app and a wikipedia page. It's a hit song played on the radio! It can fit in every category including music and craft, and is entered into all of them. If it wins Grand Prix in film, as it is currently the favorite front runner for, there are people in Cannes that are gonna be pissed! (in both senses of the word, I can't lose saying that).

Dumb ways to die might be the first to break the five Grand Prix barrier. A feat that has become easier to pull off as we keep getting new categories.

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