Duke Nukem Forever ad banned from TV (pre 11 pm)

Hold up! Duke Nukem forever ad has been banned from pre-11pm TV. Why? The ASA finds the game-animated pole-dancing strippers "too explicit" for prime time. What about the pixelated peeing? Pixelated peeing has got to be worse, no? I mean an animated game-character with biological functions is just sick. ;P What kind of warped mind thinks that sort of thing up?


The Guardian writes that the ad has received complaints from people who said the ad was "offensive and irresponsible because it was sexist, violent, overly explicit and included imagery which was likely to harm children and vulnerable people". Kinda like the game itself, which is a cartoon version of Rambo movies on steroids with jetpacks. With laser trip mines! I love those things, and rig all respawn spots. Yes, I'm evil.

In regard to the scenes of violence, the ASA admitted that the ad was not overly graphic for broadcast after 9pm. However, the ad watchdog said that the scenes showing "women's naked bodies and their very sexual movements and gyrations were overly sexually explicit" for airing at 9pm. The ASA said that the images of the two girls about to kiss "appeared to link teenage girls with sexually provocative behaviour". In addition, the strip club scenes were "overly explicit", according to the ASA, and the ad was irresponsible and should be broadcast only after 11pm.

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Woohoo aftershave balm!