Dr Pepper - One in a Billion / 1 - (2013) :60 (USA)

"I am one in a billion", Dr Pepper celebrates that you are one of a kind by making a soft drink commercial that looks like a million other soft drink commercials. Logic. They have found people who lead interesting lives, that look great on camera too. There's Jen Mayfield mother of five and roller derby queen, model-turned-boxer Mikaela Mayer because maybelline didn't give her those arms, and then there's a man who dresses up in bread and challenges seagulls to eat him. They sell beer with toast jackets in Australia, mate. Toasty trend, next trend: loafers (made of bread) when wading in fish-filled waters. There's also a thirty second edit because, timeslots.

Deutsch LA

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Who sings the song in this Dr. Pepper Commercial
i just love it!

challengers's picture

the song is Down The Road by C2C! if you like it, you should definitely check out C2C's other stuff :D

challengers's picture

oops haha JOKING, Down The Road is in the newer Dr. Pepper commercial... my bad