Discovery Channel hangs out climber - for seven days

What the hell is going on here? Well, Discovery channel are alerting people to their new documentary series "Everest, life and death", and they've hired climber Philip Junaeus to climb something for them - this is his camp. You can watch the Philip Junaeus and see how he's doing on Discovery's website here Everest.

(please see inside for full view of the camp)

Yes, the climber is camping on the outside of a building at the center of Stockholm for the next seven days, and much like David Blaine did in his box, Philip Junaeus have to wee in bottles and fight boredom up there as the days pass.

Philip won't be that bored though, he has a computer with him and gawkers can gawk and chat with him from the comfort of their own warm homes via the Everest website. He'll also be on the radiochannel 106,7 every morning to leave a daily report on how it's going up there. The most exotic wildlife he'll see are partycats and blond bimbo birds, since this is in the heart of the nightclubs and bars hood.

Naturkompaniet has provided Philip with the outdoor gear he needs to hang out (pun!) up there for seven days without freezing to death. Still, I hope for Philips sake that no new ice storms are coming to Stockholm. It's a pretty steep drop if the wind gets him.

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