Diesel Dreams print and launch

In a print and poster campaign of thirty different images we see individuals wearing clothing from the 2004 Fall/Winter Diesel collection.

With their eyes closed, peacefully daydreaming. Lost in their own world. They are often seen in unusual or surreal situations and positions. In each visual the audience is invited to 'Escape' into the depicted person's dream on the internet at diesel.com.

The London launch took place in the Halkin Hotel where rooms were staged to represent some of the Diesel films: the second side of the campaign which shows what the individuals are dreaming, interpreted in films made by different 'Dream Makers'.

These 'Dream Makers' are thirty different filmmakers, animators, artists, musicians and illustrators from all over the world. Each of this diverse group got a different image and was asked to realise the depicted person's dream, based on the situation they find themselves in the photos.

This campaign, created by art director, Karen Heuter, and copywriter, Dave Bell, at KesselsKramer, with photography by Viviane Sassen and Martine Stig, shows Diesel's multimedia approach to present their products in curious print ads, which are followed up by imaginary movie scenes at the corporate website. The pay-off changes according to the subject of the dream.

Diesel hopes to inspire people to create their own world. And dreams create the best adventures and fantasies! In this context, the campaign contributes to Diesel's innovative and creative way to show dreams as a surrealistic form of escapism.

Great work!

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