Denver Deo copies Bavaria from every angle....

This post comes from a discussion me and Joelapompe had over email regarding the Bottle voodoo between Bavaria and Brutal Fruit badlander. It seems we're not quite done with the hypnotic bottles quite yet as we've found a brand new ad, created in India with such a bad case of Demo Love it looks like it's an adaptation ad. Let's watch Denver Deo, shall we?


Bikini babe comes out of the water just as Denver Deo guy lifts deo-can out of his bag, then everything he does with the bottle mysteriously affects the woman as well. Until the point where he takes the cap off, and she teasing begins undoing her bikini-bottom, but *zing* she was just teasing him all along. Gee, where have I seen that before? Oh wait, I know I know *waves hand in the air* pick me! pick me! The Marca Bavaria ad that aired in 2003 in Canada, that's where!


Same scenario here, except with a beer bottle - and when the beach bum rips the label off, she does not rip her bikini-bottom off. What a tease. We've even badlanded this before, in Bottle voodoo between Bavaria and Brutal Fruit we compare the above ad to the Brutal Fruit ad, where a bored babe in a bar tries ye old bottle-voodoo trick. She's feeling naughty.

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Kissmekatey's picture

Holy shit, this was a carbon copy as well.

joelapompe's picture

and another exact same one from 2001 !!!

Dabitch's picture

Dammit! Youtube has deleted that video.