DEMORGEN and Famous in Brussels created the website and explain it thusly.
Reclame Erfgoed ( Advertising Heritage ) is a website that allows users to add vintage painted adverts on an interactive map. Not just any interactive map, the entire webiste including the navigation are painted on a wall in Belgium and streamed on the site.
Advertised brand: DEMORGEN
Advert title(s): Save Advertising Heritage
Advertising Agency: Famous, Brussels, Belgium
Agency website:
Creative Director: Tim Driesen
Associate Creative Director: Iwein Vandevyver
Creatives: Lennie De Troyer, Laurent Dochy, Frederik Clarysse
Account Director: Sara Jacobi
Account Manager: Charlotte Ghekiere
Strategic Planner: Elisabeth Roelandt
Public Relations: Liesbeth Pyck
RTV Producer: Lander Engels
Project Managers: Bart Segers, Tom Vandenbossche
Design : Ken Wuytack
Development: Edwin Hermans, Stijn Huyberechts