D&AD "Wish you were here?" (2014) 1:55 (brazil)

Holy moley what a crazy fun animated mashup of like the most recent D&AD winners. Everything from Epic Split to The Canal+ Bear to Dumb Ways To Die to the Cadbury Gorilla are featured, but so much more. Spot them all and enjoy.

Client: D&AD
Agency: Lobo

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Dabitch's picture

SO ADGEEKY. It's glorious!

David Felton's picture

That ice skating car ad made me want to work in this business. NOSTALGIA BLAST

Dabitch's picture

DANCING CITROEN SPOOF ALERT, dude did that in 5 days. Freaking impressive. Fiat Handmade by robots flashed by there and that may have been my ad-gateway drug.