D&AD 2010 Results: Outdoor Advertising - are you in the book?

Are you in the book? I don't see you in the book. / Hudsucker proxy

We know some things that are in the book, that is the D&AD book. In Ambient both HBO's cube and Jung Von Matt's flyvertising are in the book. The "liverpool wall" for Virgin Trains created by Elvis Communications is also in the book - the poster was actually a large digital screen, and interactive in that a copywriter watched who walked past and wrote messages tailored to them and the situations. Lines included "We're faster than that number 45 bus", "Hey roadsweeper guy, we get to London in a tidy 2 hours and 7 minutes" and "...any marriage proposals?"

Anomaly in the US make it to the book's poster pages with their "be stupid" campaign for Diesel, and M&C Saatchi join them with their TFL Boy / TFL Girl / TFL Couple print campaign.

The The Zimbabwean Newspaper continues it's winning streak getting in the book with Pavement Posters, and a nomination in poster ad campaigns. Will we see another Michael Jackson&Lisa-Marie Presley snog-on-stage moment when they accept this award as we did when they got their metal in cannes last summer?

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